The Flying Dutchman is soaring to Queen Elizabeth Theatre this weekend!

Get ready to set sail this weekend, because the Vancouver Opera will be showcasing Richard Wagner’s “The Flying Dutchman”. This masterpiece of a performance begins on April 29th at Queen Elizabeth Theatre and goes until May 7th.

If you aren’t familiar with “The Flying Dutchman” you should get to know some of what this incredibly thrilling story has to offer. The Flying Dutchman was a long-time captain of the sea who was struggling in a rough patch of the ocean during a crazy storm. The moral of the story is that you shouldn’t give up on something you want to achieve.

Without giving away what happens, The Flying Dutchman swears on everything that he will succeed in his quest, but his promise turns into a reality, and he remains on his battle with the sea for a long time.

You might have heard the saying “The ghost of the Flying Dutchman”, well this is the story where that saying originates. The show is generally well-received because of its unique balance between aspects of love, sacrifice and triumph.

(Canadian Opera Company)

My question after hearing that this show is coming to the famous Queen Elizabeth Theatre: what makes people want to attend a production such as the Vancouver Opera? You really do not know how the adaptation will play out in your mind, but I’d imagine most people would want to attend for the musical and production elements.

As someone who has some musical experience (playing a few instruments and taking band class in high school), I’ve learned to appreciate the power of storytelling through performance such as opera. You also must think about the cast which is carefully chosen. Having a major role in a production such as The Flying Dutchman can be quite a big deal, so it’s understandable why the people are well-received talents.

Going back to more info about the show at Queen Elizabeth Theatre, the opening show will take place on April 29th at 7:30 pm. Tickets aren’t as cheap as I would have thought they’d be for a show that is re-performed several times, ranging from $50-$200. However, after thinking about the elements that I mentioned that go into a performance (music, cast, production elements, etc.) the price seems justifiable for the tremendously coordinated show.

(Pexels / Andrew Neel)

So if you’re looking for a live show to check out, The Flying Dutchman is a perfect opportunity to take a dive into the world of musical production and performance.

If you want the latest news and info on the show, check out all the details at

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