Eat breakfast to break the fast

It’s a time of celebration for those who observe Ramadan.

“Holiday of Breaking the Fast”, also known as Eid al-Fitr in Arabic, is the celebration that marks the end of the fasting period of Ramadan. Muslims all over the world will gather with friends and family to celebrate together and have a “Sugar Feast”.

@mohamed_hassan / Pixabay

“It is an opportunity for families and friends to spend quality time together, worship as a community, and give to charity. It is also a time to show generosity, gratitude, and compassion – core values that are at the heart of Islam.”

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau

Ramadan occurs on the ninth month of the Islamic calendar (Hijri). All adult Muslims will fast from dawn to sunset. Instead of the regular three meals a day, during this month-long fasting period, Muslim people will only eat two meals a day. They will have one meal before dawn called “suhur” and another meal at night called “iftar”. Ramadan is also a time for prayer, reflection and community for the Islamic culture.

Ramadan varies each year as it happens on different days depending on the geographic location. The dates are calculated following the lunar cycle, starting from a crescent moon to the next. It really depends on where you are located around the world because the moon-sighting observations will differ from continent to continent. Another major difference for the fasting timeframe would be the time from sunrise to sunset in different places around the world.

@pinterastudio / Pixabay

At the end of the fasting period, Muslims celebrate Eid al-Fitr which is translated to “Festival of Breaking the Fast”. This means that the month-long fasting period can finally come to an end, Muslim people are able to eat at regular day hours again. This tradition was originated from prophet Muhammad and there are two significant festivals, Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha.

In the Eid al-Fitr celebration, they will perform an Islamic prayer (salat) and then followed with a “Sugar Feast” or “Sweet Eid”. Eid cuisine is mostly consisted of sweet dishes like desserts, candy, cookies and cakes. There are many different types and forms of the Eid cuisine, but they are all sweet because it is celebrating the happy end of Ramadan.

This year, Eid al-Fitr celebrations are held on Friday April 21 to Saturday April 22. Due to the lunar cycle and the Islamic calendar, next year’s Eid al-Fitr celebration will be held on April 10, 2024.


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