Red Bull Canada Is Crazy!

Red Bull Canada Is Insane.

Red Bull is well known as a brand due to their crazy branding techniques. They specialize in extreme sports and post clips of things like crazy biking tricks, racing events, innovative workouts and more!

Red Bull Canada is a whole different animal though.

Red Bull Canada focuses more on Canadian related sports. They keep the same theme of crazy, fast, and innovative clips but increase the fear factor by an insane amount.

Red Bull Canada also focuses more on a storytelling element. They told the story of Will Gadd who climbed frozen Niagara Falls. They share the incredible journey of Dane Jackson who kayaks down waterfalls. They share insane clips of Tom Oehler mountain biking down a literal frozen mountain.

All of these feats are insanely scary for any normal human and Red Bull Canada posts their clips like it’s just another average day for them. That’s what makes the clips so engaging, mind blowing, and scary to watch all at the same time and that’s why Red Bull Canada is far superior to Red Bulls regular Instagram account.

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