Winning Isn’t Everything When You’re Joe Burrow!

Joe Burrow may not be in the Super Bowl this year, but hes still the hottest commodity in football right now.

Joe Burrow is the lead quarterback for the Cincinnati Bengals. Joe suffered a bad rib injury in his first year with the team and was taken out for the season. These past two years though Joe has comeback with a vengeance. Last year he led the Bengals to their first Super Bowl in thirty plus years and this year helped his team reach the AFC championship finals.

While Joe and the Bengals may have lost both those games, Joe’s stock continues to skyrocket. In fact, Joe seems to be more popular then the game of football itself at times.

Joe’s popularity is largely due to his popularity on social media.

Joe doesn’t post often on social media, so fans have decided to post content for him.

Edits of Joe Burrow have gone viral on social media, as people are obsessed over how Joe dresses, his attitude, and of course, his amazing football skills. Many social media content creators have claimed Joe as their own husband and even said that Joe is made for them.

So while Joe may have had some struggles these past few years on the field, he continues to be the best thing in football right now. This just goes to show that winning isn’t everything.

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