Why Is Lance Stroll Still A Formula One Driver?

Lance Stroll is a Canadian born Formula One driver.


Lance has been in the sport for many years now, but fans question if Lance Stroll is still there because of his skills behind the wheel, or because his dad is the owner of the team.

Lawrence Stroll is a Canadian Billionaire and has bought into Aston Martin Racing with the sole purpose of supporting his son Lances efforts to become a Formula One world champion.

However, time after time Lance comes up short to his teammates, losing to Sebastian Vettel two years in a row, losing to Sergio Checo Perez the year before that, and getting zero points for his team two years in a row before that.

While these drivers he’s losing to are top tier in the sport, any other driver would have been fired a long time ago for failure to compete at a consistent level with their teammate.

While it’s lucky for Lance that he won’t get fired due to a bad season, it’s attracted him lots of hate from fans who make it very clear they don’t think he deserves to be in Formula one.

While those fans may be right, Lance doesn’t deserve hate as he’s a super nice guy. The reality is that even with the multiple hate comments Lance Stroll could stay in Formula One for as long as his dad will continue to fund his dream.

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