Popularity contests in music

Metallica and Fall Out Boy released new songs this week, with people talking about them all over the internet. Other artists have released new music this week but don’t get the same level of attention as the other two.

By no means are Metallica and Fall Out Boy trying to undermine other artists, but sometimes it makes me think about the disadvantages musicians have when they aren’t universally known names. Not a lot of people are talking about the new Katatonia, Twilight Force, or Freja the Dragon releases outside of their respective fanbases or adjacent communities. It can make fans of these artists feel left out at times when bigger artists are in the picture. Who can even blame them? We spent all of this time getting hyped up over new releases just to get overshadowed by the big dogs in the music industry.

I’ve been a fan of less popular music for years now. Whenever I try to talk to people about the music I like, people often don’t care at all. No one is entitled to like the same stuff as me, but sometimes I wish people cared to some extent just like how I have thoughts about the music they like that I’m not necessarily into. I’m always open to talking about all kinds of music and people should be open to at least trying. They don’t have to like it, but they should at least give something a chance.

When it comes to these artists that try their best to fit in, there’s always going to be some comparison with more popular artists. People always try to find the next Nirvana or the next Guns N’ Roses but don’t often try to let these artists stand on their own.

Music is one big popularity contest whether you like it or not. The most we can do about it is just keep talking about smaller artists when we get the chance.

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