Games should not be super expensive in 2023

New games are getting a lot more expensive each year. They should not cost $80, considering how much is getting released every year.

Let’s look at sports games which get released every year. The amount of changes between each game is pretty minimal to the point where they might as well be the same game. Despite that, they still cost the same price as every game that is new. This feels completely pointless if the game is going to be on a heavy discount the following year.

Nintendo is also guilty of doing this now. Games used to eventually become cheaper but since the release of the Switch, there hasn’t been a price drop for any of the older games minus sales. The worst contender for this, in my opinion, is Mario Kart 8. The game first came out on the Wii U but got ported over to the Switch, Despite how old the game is, it still costs full price. As someone who owns the Wii U version of the game, I can’t justify buying the Switch version. I wish Nintendo brought back Nintendo Select for the Switch, which is the label they use for games that get a price drop.

You would think that games sold digitally would cost a bit cheaper, considering they don’t need to be in a physical form that costs money to be produced. But nope, it still costs the same as a game sold physically. There is no incentive to buy the game digitally minus some bonus features if that’s the case. The advantages of buying games digitally aren’t there if you care about having games you want to play for the rest of your life.

Games should not cost almost $100 dollars. Considering the cost of consoles, computer parts, and peripherals, games should at least be affordable enough for people to have the core experience of gaming.

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