New year, new start (but only when you feel like it)

New Year’s resolutions have always been interesting. People hype them up, only to completely ditch them in a few weeks. A lot of new year’s resolutions are usually self-improvement related such as going to the gym, eating healthy, meditating, and other things that would be good for you. There’s nothing wrong with wanting to improve your life, but sometimes I feel like these kinds of resolutions are just because someone is obligated to make a new years resolution. I can understand the logic behind it. People want to start fresh and see the new year as the perfect opportunity to get started. However, sometimes your old life gets back to you and you end up ditching your new year’s resolutions. Honestly, that’s okay. You only miss 100% of the shots you don’t take and you’ve taken your shot.

I’ve never been the one to make a new year’s resolution. Considering how many other things start around the same time such as a new school term, new year’s resolutions never work out. You can’t start anything new when other things are going on. If you try to do so, you’re going to eventually get overwhelmed and feel like you failed. When people feel like they failed, that’s their sign of giving up. That should never be the case for anyone. Failing is part of the process, and you can’t grow from it. So what if you messed up early on? No one expected you to be a pro right away, you’re just getting started.

You might think that you need to start on the first day of the year, but you can always start whenever you want. You shouldn’t need to wait for the new year to start just to get your life on track. If there’s something you’ve always needed to do, start it whenever it feels right.

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