Burning Out In Life

I’m guilty of burning out. I will work on something for long periods of time to the point where I’m exhausted. Sometimes I work hard because of procrastination, other times it’s because I feel the need to work on something continuously. I’ve talked about not wanting responsibility before. But when I am responsible, I end up going hard, whether it results in a good product or not. I end up not wanting to talk to others afterwards, skipping meals, or just end up not being fun around. That’s when I want time for myself, whether it’s just going on my phone or chatting with my closest friends who will understand me.

Treating burnout is important, otherwise, you might not be able to do certain things again. I once heard about someone who was always at the top of their game. They would always go hard when it comes to their work and everyone would congratulate them. When they were asked how they treat burnout, they said they didn’t. Now, they don’t do what they were known for. They’ve taken a new path in life which is great to hear, but sometimes I wonder what would’ve happened if they never burned out. They would still be working the job they were known for, maybe not forever but for longer than they did it for.


There was a time in my life when I was always burnt out. I would be at school for extended periods of time and while the things I were doing were helping me, I sometimes wonder if they were even worth it in the end. No one actually cares about what you did in high school after you become an adult so maybe the stuff I did was pointless. Was waking up early or walking home in the dark worth my energy at that age? Probably not. If you ever get the chance to take a break, always use it. Your body will thank you for that.

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