Dream Marrow opens at Burnaby Art Gallery

A new exhibition opening up at the Burnaby Art Gallery looks to highlight dreaming as an act of resistance. Dream Marrow focuses on the multi medium works of Hana Amani and Audie Murray. Emily Dundas Oke curates the show and says she wants us to question the ways we dream.

“I guess I wanted to kind of challenge those ideas around dreaming and to think of dreaming, not just as something we do as individuals, but something that actually can happen, maybe, collectively. So what does it mean to dream with another person alongside another person, or as Nick Wilson’s essay, what does it mean to dream for another person.”


The exhibit runs until January 22nd and the suggested donation for entry is 5 dollars

Dundas Oke also says she was influenced by this nocturnal elements of this season and challenges us to embrace the darkened winters of Metro Vancouver.

“I think, you know, many folks experience this time of year with a sense of dread knowing that we won’t see the daytime as much and we might not see the sun so much. So I wanted to kind of invite us to think, you know, a little bit differently, or maybe with a bit more positivity around what we can learn from the night sky.”

That being said, you don’t have to wait for the sun to go down to visit the gallery — located in Deer Lake Park.

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