Metro Vancouver Christmas markets brace for stressful and busy times

Christmas Market madness is upon us in Metro Vancouver. Currently there are upwards of 17 holiday themed events happening across the region. That might seem like tough competition for some folks, but Vancouver Christmas Market marketer Sam Bukhari says he’s not too worried.

“We’re not scared. But we’re we know that we we will do better and people will come out and hopefully it will be a huge turnout.”

Buhkari also says that this year they are expecting even more people to show up now that Covid restrictions are eased . He went on to say that at the end of the day people are just excited to have things to do.


Vendors I spoke with seemed eager for the crowds but also anxious.

Some vendor say that the pressure to make sales and be organized for all the markets can be stressful. One honey vendor told me that the experience was great financially but mentally draining.

“It did work out. The only thing is that what cost, you know, like, at the cost of my sanity, so this year, I thought, if they don’t ask us, then I’m not going to ask them. But if they ask us, we’ll do it.”

That vendor also says doing the markets just takes practice. The more years you do it, the less stressful it will become…hopefully.

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