The great holiday philosophical debate

The weeks between November 11th and December feel like a twilight zone. It signals the return of a great conflict year after year that we must all face with harrowed resolve. This is a philosophical debate that weathers even the most strong of mind and constitution. Connections are made and bridges are burned. I’m talking about… holiday decorations. How early is too early? One of the burning questions that each generation faces as the holiday season bears down on us all. There are many different schools of thought on this one.

There’s the crew that stalk the closet the decorations are hidden in and open the door as soon as November rears its head. Then there are those that say it’s respectful to wait until after Remembrance Day. I myself find myself in this second pool of individuals. I’m all for people taking as much time as they want to light up the dreary months but perhaps November 12th is the day to start. There’s the crew that waits for December to roll around and then there’s the Grinch’s, the Ebenezer Scrooges who don’t like anything to do with them at all. Maybe Poppy the Raven is of that group. Personally, being of the November 12th variety, I love to see the decorations lighting up homes and community spaces. I’d be curious to interview some of the Bah Humbug variety to see what it is about seeing the décor that grinds their gears. The holidays are a season filled with opportunity to celebrate connections we make and the decorations take on a physical version of our own creativity and passionate expression. Especially in the time of year when the weather is bleak and days get shorter, something ought to light up the nights. At the end of the day, as much as I say November 12th is a good day to start, start whenever you want to. It shouldn’t be as divisive an issue as it is. Let people enjoy the things they want to, especially when it doesn’t harm anyone in the process. Light up the night! Don’t be a Poppy and enjoy the holiday season.

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