Should Alice In Don’t Worry Darling Be Worried?

Don’t worry darling was released today for at home viewers and was a blockbuster hit due to the intriguing trailers, beautiful cinematography, and the high drama surrounding the films actors. All that aside though don’t worry darlings actual plot was pretty well done with a big plot twist at the end.



This movie ends leaving the viewer unsure of what’s happened to Alice and wondering if she has been able to escape the simulation her husband Jack has trapped her in or not. The audience online seems split 50/50 as to if Alice made it out or not. However, I’m a firm believer that Alice was able to escape the simulation.


When Alice places her hands on the door that will help her escape the first time, a visual plays in her mind that seems a lot like a hypnosis lulling her into a deep sleep. When the full visual is over though it then replays again this time in opposite order as if rewinding itself and reverting the hypnosis back. Alice wakes up in her bed still in the simulation and confused. When Alice places her hand on the doors the second time when the movie ends and you hear a deep breath come from Alice just as the screen fades to black and the visual is over, without reversing this time.


They way I interpret this is that when Alice placed her hands on the door and tried to escape for the first time someone was their on the outside world to play the hypnosis again (presumably Jack) and put her back into the simulation, hence why it played twice just in different order. When she was able to place her hands on the door the second time Jack is now dead and would not be able to stop her/play the hypnosis again.


Therefore, I believe Alice was able to make it out of the simulation and escape back to the real world. However, maybe that just the optimist in me! Leave a comment below on what you think happened!

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