Why You’re Watching Sinister This Weekend

Big fan of Halloween culture and movies? This weekend is the best chance to snuggle up and watch some horror movies right before Halloween night this Monday. But what are you watching? The only right answer is Sinister. Sinister is a perfectly crafted horror movie and I’ll give you 3 reasons why to watch it this weekend.

  1. This movie is scary! So many times in my recent memory horror movies haven’t lived up to my hype, or the jump scares are all given away in the trailer. Sinister is truly a scary movie and doesn’t just rely on jump scares, but builds suspense throughout scenes to scare you, not just relying on random loud audio effects.
  2. The plot of this movie is unlike any other horror movie. Horror movies are well known for having terrible plot and use their genre to gain traction without their movie having any real motivation behind it. Sinister’s plot is well thought out with multiple story lines going on and a massive plot twist that I wont be giving away in this article!
  3. This movie is easily accessible to watch! You can watch Sinister on Netflix right now!


Don’t just take my word for this though. Check out the comment section of the trailer above.


If you’re not watching sinister this weekend, you either don’t know horror movies, or don’t like them. Treat yourself to this amazing movie and have a happy Halloween!

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