Carey Price “unable to train at professional level”

The Montreal Canadians goalie Carey Price played just 5 games last year near the end of the regular season and has had hopes of recovering his knee since.

However, he states that his rehab “hasn’t been successful” and surgery doesn’t look to be a good option either.


“We’ll have to take it step by step. I don’t have a plan to retire right at this moment,” he said. “Right now, my goal is to just be pain-free from day to day. I’m still having some issues getting up and down stairs and carrying my kids up and down stairs is difficult.”


This will upset Montreal Canadians fans as they have long hoped for a return from the beloved goalie. Price got a standing ovation in his latest appearance at a game while just watching.

Right now a return to the ice just doesn’t seem plausible for Carey Price anytime soon or ever, but fans will hold out hope for Price to return to the game.

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