Post COVID Concert Experience

A couple of weeks ago, I had the privilege of seeing my first-ever concern in person. And yes, I even got myself VIP.

During COVID, a lot of concerts were either cancelled or had their dates postponed up to who knows how many times. So, when I heard that a band I follow called Set It Off was coming to Vancouver, I jumped on those tickets.

The first thing that jumped out to me was not needing to wear a mask. It’s just one of those things I was used to and now not having to seemed wrong. Especially as I was going to be meeting the band face-to-face.

Meeting Set It Off during their Vancouver Concert

After the VIP treatment, I got to see the first opener and it was one that wasn’t advertised. Nonetheless, Victoria Anthony was absolutely amazing that night and also got to live out her dream of playing at the Vogue theatre.

The next thing that was apparent was my ears and voice weren’t gonna be working the next day. Wish I had known that sooner as I had to do an interview the next day.

After the openers, there was a break and in that time, I got to meet a few other fans from the area which I was surprised at how many there were.

Now, I had been told that concerts have a lot of energy at them, but I was not expecting the energy when SIO did come out on stage. I was also surprised at how close everyone got when they came out.

After the show had ended and an encore cheer so loud it almost broke the building, the show was over.

After the experience I had at that concert, I’m looking forward to the number of concerts coming back to Vancouver now that COIVD’s over for the most part.

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