Should You Wear Ear Protection When Going Back To Concerts?

More concerts are coming to Vancouver in the upcoming months. However, the topic of noise levels is a concern for concertgoers and people wonder whether they should wear ear protection or not.

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(Paul Hudson / Flickr)

Earlier this week, there were back-to-back concerts in downtown Vancouver. These are places that are known to have high sound levels. Some people, like Andy Kovacs, like to remember a time when this issue wasn’t talked about.

“Every decibel at a concert reminded us of the few small joys we had to share. We craved concerts that shook our bones” – Andy Kovacs

Despite this, people are still wearing ear protection to these shows. Kovacs himself also said that loud concerts are no longer for him. While the sound levels may not be harmful the first time, they can start causing damage after going to more shows. Medical experts advise wearing ear protection when going to shows.

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