New Challenges Arise for Finals Season

Finals season has finally come for post-secondary students. However, things are looking different for those who have started college during the pandemic. This year, finals are taking place in more traditional learning environments.


(Alberto G. / Flickr)

For Jackie Yang, a computer science student at the University of Alberta, it was a struggle to adjust.

It was the first final he had after restrictions were lifted. He said that it was significantly different than what he had online.

“There was way more pressure to do good than let’s say high school finals or online finals, and I felt like I had a lot of things to get ready for and it was pretty overwhelming at times” -Jackie Yang

He also said that his study habits changed during this time. He would stay in his dorm all day studying so he doesn’t stay up at night. This was important to him as his tests were early in the morning. Despite these struggles, he managed to leave his tests with confidence.  He celebrated the end of his tests by getting some rest.

He is now back in Surrey, waiting for next year to come.

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