Harrison Hot Springs is Gearing Up for a Huge Summer

COVID-19 has not been kind to the tourism industry. Look no further than an hour and a half drive east of BCIT to the resort village of Harrison Hot Springs. Since 2020 the community has been in survival mode with businesses waiting patiently for the return of visitors from far and wide.

This summer looks to change everything. With COVID restrictions loosening the village is looking to welcome people back in force with a full summer lineup of events scheduled and being planned. Tourism Harrison Event Coordinator Colleen Geddes gave a sneak peak of what the community has up their sleeve.

“So in June we help out with Sasquatch Days which is a boat race on Harrison Lake. And then we have Canada Day we help out with the Village Hosts. And then at the end of summer we have bands on the beach.” – Colleen Geddes

Geddes also mentions how excited the village is to welcome visitors back at a greater capacity. The relief alone to the businesses is something that has been needed for a long time. What remains to be seen will be if the Public Pool will reopen for the summer. The facility has been closed since March of 2020.

The unique challenge faced with the planning of events for this summer results from the economic impacts of COVID-19.

“Everything you need to host an event has gone up in price. So working on our budget to try and keep our budgets low, obviously funds are low. And then everything you need has gone up in price so balancing a budget has been really hard.” – Colleen Geddes

This summer is gearing up to be incredible for local tourism hotspots. With the restrictions for COVID being lessened, expect high amounts of travel to these areas and a boost to several local economies.

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