A Toast to Team 1040

If there’s one thing you can’t deny Vancouver of, aside from the beautiful ocean views and the mountains, it’s that this a sports crazed market! We love our Canucks, our Lions, our Whitecaps, even Giants, and now our Baby Canucks out on Abbotsford. Whether it be listening or watching, you can bet there’s fans there screaming at the ref and chanting the team’s name!

With that loyal and thirsty fan base, came multiple sports radios. Or, at least there used to be before Bell Media pulled the plug on one of them. Saturday, May 7, marked  what should of been twenty second anniversary of Team 1040 radio.

Team 1040 radio debuted back on May 7, 2001, with then host Dan Russell gracing the air waves as the first show. There’s no secret how much of a staple sports talk radio is in this city. Team 1040 has served as the building block to a large majority of the media giants in this city from Barry MacDonald, to Don Taylor, David Pratt, Matthew Sekeres and Blake Price, to name a few.

Now, I myself am not the biggest sports fan, but even I know those names, and I’ve only really been a fair weather Canucks and Lions fan for the majority of my life! To think that the suits in Toronto had a grasp of what this market desires and needs and to think that pulling the plug on one of the most successful sports talk radio stations in favour of stand up comedy bits that no one listens to (because no one listens to stand up comedy, they watch it), is absurd.
I can say with fair certainty that my life won’t be in sports talk radio, but that doesn’t mean I can’t pay homage to the giants of the radio industry. Here’s to Team 1040 sports
radio and sports in Vancouver!!

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