Giants lose opening game to Blazers

So the Vancouver Giants pull something off that’s never happened before ever in the WHL playoffs: a number eight seed knocks off a number one seed. Celebrations abound and champagne is tossed and sprayed everywhere. One problem though: it’s only the first round. Second problem: the number two seeded Kamloops Blazers awaited them in the next round. Talk about going through the gauntlet and earning it the hard way!

Game one of these second round playoffs didn’t grant The Giants with a head start like the previous round, as they fell short, 3-1, from The Sandman Centre in Kamloops. Part of the reason Vancouver was able to pull off such a big upset was because their power play was otherworldly, in the best way possible, against Everett. Their power play clipped at an efficiency rating of 37.5%

Unfortunately, The Giants went 0-3 with the man advantage last night and that’s going to have to improve for them to have any shot of continuing their cinderella run in the WHL playoffs.
Vancouver is going to continue having to heavily rely on their starting goaltender, JesperVikman, if they want to extend this series past the mandatory four games. He did play well though in game one stopping thirty five shots! The other players that Vancouver is going to have to rely on heavily is their top line of: Adam Hall )who scored the lone Giants goal), Fabian Lysell, and Zack Ostapchuk.

Game two of this series is hosted by The Kamloops Blazers back at The Sandman Centre again this evening at 7pm. The series will then switch back to The Langley Events Centre for games three and four starting Tuesday, May 11. Here’s hoping that unlike the Canucks or Baby Canucks, our Vancouver Giants can capture lightning in a bottle again and be able to extinguish The Blazers here in Kamloops and bring the series back tied to a passionate, loud fan base!
Go Giants go!

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