What will JT Miller’s future in Vancouver look like?

There has been a lot of talk about trading JT Miller, because of what the Vancouver Canucks could get in return. They could get a prospect, a young player and a RHD, but Miller is their best player. JT Miller finished this season with 99 points (32-67) in 80 games. Miller contributed to 40.2% of the Canucks goals this year; which speaks to his importance to the team.

JT Miller has expressed his desire to stay in Vancouver saying “My best friends are here, my teammates are here. We want to win here, and I want to win here.”

Trading JT Miller would mean not only Vancouver losing their best player but their most consistent forward as well. The big dilemma is whether or not the players that the Canucks could get in return for Miller will be able to produce. The worst possible outcome is having Miller finish the final year of his contract with the Canucks and watching him walk, while receiving nothing in return at the end of the season.

The Canucks don’t have a lot of wiggle room when it comes to their cap, which could make it difficult to keep Miller. Trading him could be beneficial because it would allow Vancouver to have more cap space but it would be clear that the franchise isn’t going to be competitive for the next couple of years.

Regardless of what the Vancouver Canucks receive for Miller, it is likely that the value that he has brought to the team will not be matched. Miller is a great asset to the team and if the Canucks weren’t in the position they’re in, discussing a JT Miller trade wouldn’t even be an option. Former Canucks player, Kevin Bieksa thinks it’s a good idea to keep Miller saying “These guys don’t grow on trees.”

The Canucks management could really go either way. It’s a matter of what will be better for the Vancouver Canucks in the long run.


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