Controversial Opinions

Unpopular opinions, we all got ’em; pineapple on pizza, loving Nickelback, hating Beyonce. By definition, an opinion can’t be wrong, but sometimes it sure can feel wrong to say that you think Chad Kroeger has talent out loud.

To break the stigma, I’m going to share some of my most controversial, unpopular, down-right bad opinions that will probably cause me to lose some friends.

1. I’m a cat person

I love cats because they give you the perfect amount of love, attention, and purrs, and then they eff off and do their own thing. I find dogs too clingy. Owning one is such a huge responsibility, they just require way too much attention. People like to say dogs are loyal, but dogs have no problem wagging their tail and licking some rando at the park, while cats exclusively snuggle with you.

My best friend is my cat, Jeff. He’s the most precious kitty in the world. I’ve had him my entire life, in fact, we’re both 19 years old. The bond we have could never be replicated with a canine.

2. Cheese + Peanut butter

I’m not pregnant I promise.

I don’t eat my cheese and peanut butter combo around anyone (other than my cat) because I’m actually scared of the violence that may occur.

Something about it… salty, nutty, fatty, yummy goodness. It’s got to be cheddar, aged, mild, whatever I got and natural unsweetened peanut butter (Adams is the best imo) on top of either toast or crackers.

Recently I added pickles… very yum.

3. I don’t like poetry

Not poetry’s fault, I think I’m just too stupid for it.

4. Reality TV is superior television

Trashy reality TV is so good and people who crap on it are just as annoying as the reality TV stars they complain about. Lumping all reality TV together isn’t fair… it’s like lumping all sports together and being like “I dont like sports.” Honey, there’s basketball, football, and baseball, just like there’s KUWTK, Cheer, Love Island and Survivor.

Get off your high horse, get on your pjs and grab some snacks and lets watch the new season of Celebrity Big Brother.

5. White Jeeps look dumb

I’m sorry if this is your dream car but I think new white Jeep Wrangler’s look really stupid. When I think of a Jeep Wrangler, I think of roughing it, muddy outdoor terrain, not a shiney white car. I feel like if your car is white, it defeats the purpose of it being an off-road vehichle?


The white Jeep has become the vehicle of the rich in BC, and it symbolizes everything I hate about the world.


How’re you going to have basically 50 guys in a band and still be trash?

I smiled when I saw they broke up.. oops

7. Marmite is delicious

People viciously hate marmite… I don’t understand why!?? It’s so good. I think it’s the kind of thing you have to grow up with, or maybe it’s just the British in me!

My friends honeslty thought I was lying when I initially told them I love marmite.

There’s always marmite or vegemite in my family’s pantry. My mum brought back a jumbo pot last time she went to London.

If you’ve never had the pleasure of trying marmite, it’s super salty and thick. I generally eat it with butter or peanut butter on toast. I’ve heard people complain about the odour? But I honestly don’t smell it. It feels like a cilantro thing almost, where its like genetically determined whether you like marmite/vegemite or not.

8. I sleep with socks on

It’s cozy, warm and comfy, and if it’s too hot peeling off your socks with your toes under the sheets is the best feeling in the world.

9. Tight spaces are comfortable

If there’s a word for the opposite of claustrophobic, that’s me.

Kind of like a cat, I’m always finding weird places to wedge myself in. I’m sounding very weird and concerning but I think it’s honestly some sort of survival instinct to protect myself?

10. Black coffee >>>

Black coffee is the superior way to drink coffee. I’m officially coming out as an old pretentious man. I like to actually taste the coffee… yahdayahdaya… you know the deal. Coffee with milk/creamer makes my stomach feel like washing machine, it stains clothes, and creates worse coffee breath (or so I tell myself.)


11. Jar Jar Binks is the best character in the Star Wars franchise

I’ve always loved Jar Jar. The hate is unmerited and ridiculous. Jar Jar Binks struggled to prove his worth throughout his life, and you’re going to hate on such a fun loving chill dude?

Contrary to popular belief, he DOES provide comic relief, it’s not Jar Jar’s fault you’re hard to please. But he wasn’t just a silly goofy guy, he was layered! He actually was intended to be a manupilative villian and turn to the dark side but because of you haters he was replaced by Count Dooku in the storyline.


Hail Darth Jar Jar #fyp #foryou #starwars #starwarsmemes #funny #meme #comedy #jarjarbinks #viral #dontletthisflop #xyzbca #DoritosDuetRoulette #fy #f

♬ Join vibecaptains discord – Kevin

Mesa Jar Jar Binks

12. The live-action Grinch is the better Grinch

It’s an instant Christmas classic. It’s flashy, musical fun. It’s insanely corny and bad but like in the best way. I love Jim Carrey and his rendition of the Grinch is iconic. He brought a new persona to the Grinch character that he doesn’t get enough credit for.

If I want to watch a classic Christmas animated special, I’ll opt for A Charlie Brown Christmas.

I’m sorry to all the people who’re stuck in the past but Jim Carrey in a furry green suit, baby Taylor Momsen before she was evil Jenny on Gossip Girl and sexy Who Christine Baranski?? I mean come on people, what more do you want?


A quick glimpse into my #grinch transformation for A Drag Queen Christmas with some help from my sis @Trinity The Tuck #grinchmas

♬ Stories 2 – Danilo Stankovic

Fun fact: “the actual time it took to apply Jim Carrey’s Grinch makeup was around 2 hours and 15 minutes (despite Carrey’s claim that it took 8).”

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