Why I love trashy television

I consider myself a fairly smart person. I’m up to date on politics, I can use big words and I can a few philosophers. When you’re as intelligent as I am, your brain is constantly jumbled with morality, law and critical analysis. So when I’m unwinding at the end of the day, I like to take a break from using my massive brain, this is why I watch Reality TV.

I have a theory that the smartest people like the dumbest television. And that ladies and gentlemen is why I religiously watch Selling Sunset, Big Brother, Love Island, so on and so forth.


I’m profusely made fun of by my friends and family for my overconsumption of reality tv. I can’t decide who’s the problem, me or them?

Sometimes I go out of body and see myself cuddled up on the couch watching people in bikinis argue, and I’ll admit it, I do cringe. But whatever makes you happy right? Even scarier, sometimes I catch myself fully immersed into the show, with a smile plastered on my face laughing and crying along with the heavily medicated rich. How can I possibly empathize with such surface-level content?

I’m not even one of those naive viewers who think it’s unscripted realness. Oh, I’m fully aware the producers, editors and alcohol are the only things making it worth watching. Yet somehow I’m sucked into this world of lipstick and scandals.

I think we should all get over ourselves and submit to the world of reality tv, and here’s why…

It’s a mindless escape that involves 0 brain power

Some of my favourite films include Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Donnie Darko and Midsommar. Point being, I do enjoy a film that makes you think. But isn’t it the worst when you can’t get lost in a story because you’re too busy trying to figure out what the hell is going on.

Reality TV lays everything out for you and then repeats 10 more times. You can eat, chat, even have a nap while watching reality television and jump right back in. You’ll never be confused or bored, it’s constant entertainment spoon-fed to you like a baby.

I won’t accept the argument that reality TV is too simplistic. Nothing is more complex than the drama between Mary and Christine. See, Christine didn’t invite Mary to her baby shower, after she just got mad at Mary for not inviting her to her Bachelorette party, but in reality, it wasn’t a real Bachelorette party, it was just a get together with the girls and a stripper pole, but Christine doesn’t get that, and she told Davina and Maya so now they feel left out and excluded from the group, which is totally fair but its all a big misunderstanding and the girls should really just talk it out.

An escape from my boring life

I don’t think anyone, including myself, has a boring life. What a depressing thing to say Neena!

No matter how interesting my day-to-day life is, it’ll never be as entertaining as drunk singles on a tropical island. The reality of reality tv is nothing like my reality. I’m not a diva or a wealthy socialite, I’m a 19-year-old girl living with my parents in Vancouver, it’s healthy escapism.

It’s fun to live a lavish, scandalous life vicariously through reality stars. Even with the worst cast, you’ll always find someone on screen that you identify with. I think if anyone sat down and watched an episode of Keeping Up with the Kardashians, they’d come out with a favourite or at least a lesser of two evils. Cough cough* Kourtney.

Reality TV can be educational

Education is more than just essays and equations. What draws a lot of people to reality TV is curiosity. We are nosey little creatures and reality TV puts it all on display, all of it. You can learn a lot about the world by looking into someone else’s life. It’s easy to get stuck in a little echo chamber but with reality TV you can hear the thoughts and opinions of successful clout chasers.

Reality shows present moral dilemmas and life lessons that we wouldn’t normally be exposed to. Just because reality shows aren’t entirely real, doesn’t mean they aren’t real people with real stories to tell. Behind all the makeup and glam there’s some soul, I promise you.



I mean for me, the idea of wanting to be a reality TV star is interesting enough, what kind of person wants to sign their life over to a production company? Tell me more!

It’s not only horrible rich people

I’ll always love a good Real Housewives or Jersey Shore, but I’ll even admit, they can be a lot. After a binge-watch, I usually need to detox from those super-indulgent shows. They’re all fun and games until you start using slang like “tragic!” and “bible.”

There are genuinely good reality TV shows like RuPaul’s Drag Race. Rather than exploiting the stars, the show promotes their success. They don’t shy away from tough conversations of diversity, inequality and trauma.

“If you can’t love yourself, how in the hell are you going to love anybody else?”


There are voices that need to be heard, and shows like Rupaul’s Drag Race give a platform to historically silenced voices; LGBTQ+, BIPOC.


RPDR still has drama and divas, but the show balances its clichés with a strong sentiment of embracing yourself for who you are.

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