Why Vinyl is Better: Redrum Records

Spotify, iTunes and other streaming services, step aside, old school listening is back. Just like how people often prefer reading from a physical book instead of an e-reader, well it is becoming the same with music. Lots of people enjoy that feeling of hand picking out a vinyl, dropping that needle and hearing that sweet authentic sound of the vinyl. But why is listening to a vinyl record on a turn table better than just a digital recording?

Well, an MP3 file we may listen to is compressed to make them small enough to fit thousands of them in your pocket that it loses some of the quality whereas there is no audio data lost when pressing a record, it sounds exactly as the producer or band intended. With the grooves in the vinyl the waveforms can be much more accurate and will be heard in the warm richness of the sound. The only downside to vinyl is that you may hear some cracking or scratching as the record tuns, but most people believe that this just adds to the listening experience.

Lots believe that listening to vinyl over digital is more of an experience, you have to physically put the record on, sit down and enjoy the listening. Whereas, with how assessable streaming services are these days, it had become just background noise and not an actual event.

Stating this, buying, collecting, selling and listening to vinyl records has clearly come back in style. Redrum Records, a local record and music shop, is happy to see this trend is back. The shops name “Redrum” is inspired by the novel written by Stephen King, “The Shining”, which is the owner’s favourite film.


The shop first opened in Cloverdale and expanded to open two other locations, one in New Westminster and one in White Rock. Although its main focus is vinyl records, the shop also offers CDs, cassettes, DVDs, posters, stickers and even stereo systems and turntables.

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