Free Your Mind – Go For a Walk

One of my favoruite songs of all time… Take a Walk by Passion Pit.

I listened to that song a lot when I was around 12-13-years old mainly just for the catchy melody and calming aura it emitted. But, as I aged and as life became more difficult, that song became much more than just a happy tune to throw on during car rides… it bascially became an anthem to live by.

Upper pond, Central Park

(D70 – Flickr)

When we live in a world where everything is digitilized, where it seems like everything is monitored, where stress has become a staple in nearly everyone’s life… it can be overwhelming to say the least, and the worst thing you can do with it is to sit and stew over your problems, your past, or whatever you may be going through.

For a good 3-years of my life I just rolled with it, I didn’t take the time of day to treat myself to something that was ACTUALLY healthy for me after a long day’s work. I would remain sheltered, cornered, trapped.

Then I rediscovered that song and took the time to really listen closer to the lyrics, and by god, did it ever spark a change in my behavior and my overall attitude. I don’t know how much one realizes what a little bit of fresh air can do for their psyche, what a little bit of sunlight can do for their mood. The best thing I can call it would be a mental reset.

Your body needs to stay active, your mind has to be stimulated, and I believe just finding the time in your day for a quick 30-minute or so walk can do wonders for not just your physical, but mental health as well. Instead of droning out in front of a screen, turn that sucker off and go for a crisp walk at your local park or around your neighbourhood.

Plug in your favourite tunes and take a walk, take a walk, take a walk…

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