Cariboo written and produced music video released on Earth Day 2021

Shannon Zirnhelt, a singer-songwriter, worked with family members Julia Zirnhelt, 13, and Ella Kruus, 13. They formed Third Planet Crusade in 2020 to raise awareness about climate change. Produced a music video for the song Shannon had written called The Mother’s plea. The song she wrote about a year and a half ago to try to continue the talk about the environment and climate change. She was also inspired by mothering three boys and being an active environmentalist. She wanted to make sure there are forests and lakes for her kids to enjoy when they get older.

 The video, filmed by musician Sam Tudor, thanks to grant funding from the Central Cariboo Arts and Culture Society and the Community Arts Council of Williams Lake. Features the beautiful scenery of northeast Williams Lake, Beaver Valley, Big Lake, some students from Big Lake Elementary School, the burned forests from the 2017 Mountain House wildfire, and Moffat Falls (which looks really cool frozen, I’ve only been during the summer so now I know what I’m doing this winter) near Horsefly. The cinematics of the music video was neat to see, and I thought the overhead drone footage of the burned forests was cool. Although sad to remember all the forests that were burned during the 2017 wildfire season. The lyrics as well, I thought was good, and some made me think twice or hit home with me was “please stop living as if there were more of me,” and during the video, there are shots of waste fills that are a bit too full. This showcases how whenever we’re done with something or think something is broken, we chuck it out and don’t think of where it goes or what happens to it.

The music video is out now. Third Planet Crusade plans for a panel discussion with School District 27 teachers about climate change and what they can do at school to help stop it.

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