‘Let’s Hear It! Live ‘Applications Are Now Open

Let’s Hear It! Live is a 7-part digital concert series and emerging artist showcase put on my Music BC. Let’s Hear It! Live gives unmanaged, unsigned, or independent local artists performance opportunities by showcasing them to representatives from the music industry. Including a variety of label reps, artist managers, A&R professionals, and agents, these music representatives will be able to provide a vast opportunity to local artists looking to make a name for themselves.

Already in its third year, Let’s Hear It! Live not only provides artists with connections to representatives from the music industry but helps musicians connect with fans from around the province. With concerts streaming from Vancouver, Victoria, and Kelowna, Let’s Hear It Live has featured more than 40 unsigned and emerging artists from around British Columbia and hopes to feature many more in the coming years. Let’s Hear It! The JUNO host community initially put together Let’s Hear It! live in hopes of independent and emerging BC artists who could grow their careers and become more connected with existing fans while simultaneously increasing their fanbase.

Last year, in 2020, Lete’s Hear It! Live went digital and, across five events, gained over 10 000 views across Facebook, and YouTube live streams for BC artists. The Let’s Hear It! Live platform has plenty of benefits for musical artists all around BC to get recognition from the music industry and fans, but that’s not all. Let’s Hear It! Live give its participants professional-level recording and video content, artist promotions through music BC and partners of Music BC, and a $500 guarantee for all artists selected. Outside of just the personal gain for the artists involved, Let’s Hear It! Live does remarkable things for the BC music industry as a whole. According to the Music BC website, Let’s Hear It! Live creates “a culture of inclusion and diversity within the BC music community .”

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