Are you giving yourself enough TL(s)C?

*Tender, Loving (skin) Care

Skincare: the basic care of the largest organ in your body, which is the skin.

Nowadays, the skincare culture has become trendier. As it increased its popularity, it’s also gotten more intimidating and confusing, at least for me.

I’m no expert but it is an absolute must to take care of your skin. It doesn’t matter who you are, what your age is, where you’re from, or who you love. If you give yourself a much-needed TL(s)C, I’m sure it will do wonders.

According to the Melanoma Network of Canada, “in 2021, approximately, 8,200 (4,500 males and 3,700 females) Canadians will be diagnosed with melanoma skin cancer”.

Wow, that’s a lot.

I think that one way to prevent this is to at least start with some basics.

So, I researched as much as I could about skincare basics, and here’s what I found so you can begin your skincare journey.

  1. Know Your Skin Type

Your skin type should be the skin you have without any products on it a few hours after taking a shower. Based on that, choose products that are appropriate for your skin needs.

  1. Cleanse, Moisturize, and Protect Daily

Cleanse twice a day or after an activity that involves sweating. Moisturize right after, and applying sunscreen is not optional.

  1. Skincare is not just for the face

This means that you shouldn’t forget about your body. Skin is from head to toe!

  1. Be Patient

You’ve put all these products on you, now what? While following a skincare routine won’t stop time, it will at least reduce the signs of aging and prevent skin damage or skin cancer. But know, that results don’t happen overnight. So, do it regularly and be patient.

Not gonna lie, I’m a sucker for cute branding. If you’re like me, that’s fine as long as you also research enough about them before use. You can do that by reading customer reviews, looking into the ingredients of each product, learning about what the company advocates for and how they test, etc.

Plus, consult an expert before you commit to anything!

If you’re following a skincare routine or have a skincare pro-tip, let us know about it in the comments!

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