For my fellow students out there I feel like we’ve reached the point in the year where the motivation is quickly depleting. I don’t know about you but I just can’t find the strength to get myself on my computer and get my assignments going. I feel burnt out. But the good news is you’re so so so close to the finish line, but the bad news is, being close to the finish line means there’s still final exams and projects to get through. It’s easy to get caught up in all the chaos and stress in the final stretch, I feel like sometimes I get way too overwhelmed to the point where my brain just shuts off and I’m stuck looking at a blank screen for what feels like hours. It may feel like you have no time to take that time for yourself but let’s be honest, if you’re just staring at your screen getting no work done, it would just be smarter to take the time off and have a break. So if you’re in the same boat as me and feel like you need to take some time to yourself to get your head back in the game, here are some of things I like to do to get back on track in this final stretch.
I know you feel like there is absolutely zero time to have fun and socialize with your friends but trust me even just a short hangout with the people who make you laugh can have a huge impact on the way you feel. It doesn’t even have to be anything crazy, a quick movie night or going out for a lunch break is the perfect way to break up the day, chat with some friends who may be going through the same burn out struggles, and then come back to your computer refreshed ready to grind out those assignments. For me, nothing beats seeing my friends and just being able to turn off “school mode” and have a good time.
Clean Your Space
You know when you’re sitting at your desk, or wherever you do work, and you just can’t stop thinking about all the mess around you so then you just end up getting no work done and then overthink everything and then nothing gets done? Yea. That happened to me today. I really believe in the whole idea that a clean space = a clean mind. How are you going to be able to stay focused and study well when you’re surrounded by a plate of last night’s leftovers and that coffee mug from Tuesday, you can’t. But I also get that cleaning your space can be a daunting task and just as hard as getting yourself to study sometimes so here’s my trick, I set a 10 minute alarm on my phone and see how much I’m able to get done. Only 10 minutes. And usually I’m surprised by how organized I can get my space to be in just 10 minutes, and you’re not doing a deep clean, just enough where you don’t feel so cluttered. Trust me, it works.
Do Something Creative
Unless you’re in a super creative program like I am, it’s easy to turn yourself on autopilot when writing essays and solving equations and that creative spark that you have can slip away. So get back into your hobbies or create something cool. Maybe you get a group of friends together and paint, maybe you’re into knitting, or maybe it’s even just putting a new playlist together. Having fun is important and I feel like taking creative breaks are a lot more relaxing than taking phone breaks where you’re just scrolling mindlessly. Last Christmas break I got really into knitting, I find it super therapeutic. So whenever I find myself needing that break to tap into my creative side, I pick up the yarn, put on some good music and I get knitting.
Have A Nap
Or go to bed early. But sometimes catching up on some much needed Z’s is all it takes. Studying takes a big toll on your brain and it can really be exhausting. And it’s not an active type of exhausted, it’s a drained type of exhausted, which in my opinion, is worse. So whether you need to take the time to get some extra hours of sleep or set aside 30 minutes in your day for a quick power nap, having that time for your brain to rest will give you the energy you need to power through to Summer break.
Move Around
Get your endorphins flowing. Go for a walk, a run, hit the gym, or maybe some yoga, just do something. Even if it’s just a quick 10 minute break to move around that is better than nothing and I promise you will notice a difference. Whenever I find myself in a rut with school I take a step away from the books and take my dog for a walk and I always come back feeling refreshed and ready to take on the assignment.
Food is fuel. Make sure you’re eating good and yummy foods for both your brain and your body so you can stay powered and ready to go. Being a student means your probably always on the go, running in between classes, to work, and then studying, it’s hard to find those times to get in some nutritious food, but even just packing an apple in your bag for when your on the go or some other quick snack will be a lifesaver when you find stomach grumbling in the library.
Create A Study Group
I’m at the point in the semester where most of my weekends are spent studying, doing homework, and summer job applications. It’s hard to spend my weekend days locked in the library but something that really helps me is creating a study group. Having some friends or classmates that you can count on to join you on a rainy day Sunday homework sesh is sooo helpful. They will keep you accountable, help you stay motivated, and they just really get the school stress. Having a good group of people to study with has been my life line this semester. We also know when we all need a good break so it’s like killing two birds with one stone, we socialize and get moving all in the same day.
There’s no other way to put it other than school can be tough. It can push you past your limits, test your focus, and really just drain you, but just remember it will all be worth it in the end, set some goals for yourself and remember why you’re chasing them. Take breaks and listen to your body, and listen to yourself, when you feel that burn out coming, take a rest. And don’t forget that you got this! Only a month left for us college students, we’re in the final stretch and Summer is around the corner!