I know you’ve been there. When you’re in a bad funk and you just can’t seem to get out of it. And this weather is no help either, it’s hard to stay positive when it feels like there is just so much negative all around. I mean it gets dark wayyyy too early, it’s always rainy and cold, and it’s just an awkward time of the year. And if you’re a student then you’re in the final stretch too, probably feeling a bit burnt out and just want all the homework and studying to be over. You’re in a funk. It sucks. But it is possible to get yourself out of that funk and with spring coming and the weather getting better it can only go up from here, right? (I hope). But as a 21 year old college student who constantly finds myself in funks and going from those highs to lows daily I’ve kinda worked my way around getting over and out of these funks and how to deal with yourself when you’re in them.
Step 1: Recognize That Your In A Funk
There’s really no use with running away from these feelings, so just own it. When I feel myself in a funk I think it’s a good thing to recognize that you’re in one, sometimes it’s just worse to ignore what you’re feeling and if you own up to it at least you can move through it and forward. Once you’ve recognized and come to terms with the fact that maybe this isn’t going to be your most productive, happy, social day/week/month you can do what you need to do to get yourself feeling right. I also feel like it’s a mature choice to recognize it and maybe even share how you’re feeling with the people around you. For me personally, I’d rather have my best friend or family know that this just isn’t is my week, then in that case if your being distant and really just focusing on yourself then won’t worry and wonder, because sometimes the only solution to getting out these funks is being selfish and that is completely okay.
Step 2: Relax and Destress
I’m someone that always needs to be on the go and doing something to feel productive. But sometimes I work myself into overdrive and just put too much stress on myself and that leads to burn out. Then when I go to relax and destress I feel guilty about it because I just have this belief that I always need to be constantly doing something. As I’m getting older I’m realizing that sometimes you just need to slow down and catch your breath and remember that life isn’t a race. Getting caught up in the crazy whirlwind that life is can be super overwhelming but at the end of the day if you’re doing the best you can that’s all that matters and you have to remember that you are just human and your body literally requires rest to function right. So next time you catch yourself slipping in a funk, rest and destress guilt free. Pick up that book, turn on that show, you just turn off your lights and catch some probably much needed Z’s. you aren’t functioning right if you’re tired and having a little mental reset for your brain will do you more good then you can even imagine.
Step 3: Clean Space = Clean Mind
Once you’ve relaxed and taken that time for yourself to chill out and calm down, cleaning your space is always my next step to getting out of a funk. Nothing feels worse than having a mess all around you. It probably just causes you more stress! It can seem like a lot of time and energy to get up, do that laundry and clean your room but I can promise you that once it’s done you feel a massive weight lifted off your shoulders. And even if cleaning your room is all you can do on that day, that is still a huge accomplishment that you can be proud of and you can rest feeling like you were productive that day!
Step 4: Get Outside
Rain or shine, fresh air really is able to get yourself in a better mood. If you are feeling up to a trail walk, a walk around your block, or even just sitting down in your backyard, fresh air is something that can really change your mindset. I always find it funny how I can go from being in such a bad mood but once I put my headphones in and take my dog for a quick walk around the neighbourhood I come home feeling sooo much better, it truly makes a big difference. Grabbing a coffee and going on a walk with your friend, by yourself, or even listening to your favourite music or podcast can change your mindset and help get you back on track to feeling good.
Step 5: Do Some Self Care
Putting time into yourself and doing things that make you feel good are the best thing you can do when you’re in a funk. And self care can look different for everyone. Sometimes for me I find self care to be a steaming hot shower followed up with a cup of tea in bed reading my book with a face mask, sometimes it looks like going on a run or heading to the gym, or sometimes it looks like getting out of my sweatsuit, putting on some jeans, a little makeup, and doing my hair so that I feel good. Whatever floats your boat, just do. It can be hard to get up and do something but if you find some sort of self care that doesn’t feel like a chore and literally just makes you feel good then you’re on the right track.
Step 6: Socialize
I used to think that when I was in a funk people wouldn’t want to hang around something that’s “boring” but that’s when I realized I was hanging around the wrong group of people. When I’m in a funk, if I’m feeling up to it, I like to end the day with my best friend. Putting on a show, snacking on candy and popcorn, just chatting and laughing is a real mood booster for me. Sometimes getting distracted by friends is the best thing you can do for yourself. Like I said before it’s good to relax and destress but to a certain point, it’s good to get out of bed and if all you can do is move from your bed to the couch, that is still something.
Being in a funk can feel like a long eternity but honestly if you just lean into the idea and find things that help you feel better it can help you both when you’re stuck in the middle of the funk and when finding ways to get through them. And don’t forget that every little bit counts, if all you have in you that day is a shower or just a 10 minute walk that is still an accomplishment and better than nothing. Don’t beat yourself up about the small things and always give yourself the rest and time that you deserve. Being a human can be tough and sometimes all you need is just a little R&R to get you feeling back on track.