It’s Superbowl weekend, the Sunday where all sports fans are glued to the TV and the non sports fans are just hoping they are able to get through the weekend. I’m someone who’s super into tuning into all sports, and although I’m looking forward to the Superbowl, I do have a couple close friends in my circle who aren’t so into sports. But lucky for them I do have a couple Superbowl survivor hacks for them to get through Sunday. So if you are anything like my friends and are just wanting Sunday to fly by here are some of my tips for getting through the Superbowl.
- Snacks
The Superbowl is known for the classic comfort snacks like chicken wings, pigs in a blanket, and nachos. So if you’re not looking forward to the game at least you can look forward to the snacks. And if you’re not sure snacks will be where you’re watching it, make something fun and bring it over. At least that somewhat shows your looking forward to the day.
- The Halftime Show
I mean common, you can’t say you’re not looking forward to the Halftime Show. For non football fans it’s 100% the best part of the day and this year you get to see Kendrick light up the stage and I can guarantee it’s going to be awesome. I mean it’s a concert in the middle of a football game, the best of both worlds in the entertainment world, sports and music, so what can be better?!
- The Social Aspect
How often is it you get together with friends on a Sunday day and just get to relax, drink beer, and eat good food? Not that often I bet. So if you’re dreading the Superbowl, look at it in a positive light, you get to hang out with your friends, do something you wouldn’t normally do on a Sunday, that sounds kinda fun right?
- Betting
Don’t really know a lot about football but still want to be in the know with the game? Place some bets. Look, I’m not here to support gambling but placing bets on a game definitely can keep you locked in on the TV, I mean you have money on the line here! It can even teach you a thing or two about the game and get you involved in the action, who knows, you might cash out big!
At the end of the day sports isn’t for everyone I get that, but Superbowl doesn’t all have to be about sports, think of Sunday as an opportunity to hang out with your best buddies and have a good time, Cheers to Superbowl!