Fighting Winter Blues

It’s the dead of winter now. January felt like a million years and now somehow, someway, February already feels like it’s just blasting by. The days are dark and cold and I don’t know about you but it feels like everyday my motivation just slips away a bit more. I mean it’s so easy to just come home after a long day when it’s pitch black and feels like -10 and all you want to do is lay in bed, and although it may seem like the right choice in the moment, it’s kinda just digging yourself more into the unmotivated vibe that winter easily gives off. But I’ve formed some quick and easy little tips and tricks in my life that make the winter feel a bit more doable. 

  • The 5 Second Rule

Whether it’s getting out of bed, going to the gym, even just finding the energy and motivation to start that assignment you’ve been putting off, give yourself 5 seconds to get up and get going. And ya, 5 seconds is not a lot of time at all but that’s the point, you don’t want to let yourself waste anymore time. Counting down from 5 gets me up and after whatever task I’ve got laid out without even thinking too much about it. So, tomorrow morning when your alarm goes off and it’s still dark out, give yourself 5 seconds to get out of bed and get your day started without hitting snooze and I promise it will start your day off on the right foot. 

  • Make Plans 

Having a light at the tunnel at the end of the week really does make it easier for me to get through the Monday to Friday grind. Even something as small as a movie date with friends or a quick happy hour, just having some social interaction that isn’t just school or work goes a long way in lifting your mood. 

  • Get Active

Yes, I know it’s cold and the weather is cold but don’t let that be an excuse. I promise getting up and active can be a huge game changer in mood. If all you have in you is just a quick walk around your neighbourhood that’s good too. Just giving yourself something to get your body moving will do you a world of good. 

The winter can be tough for all but it’s no reason to put your life pause, get active, get motivated, and be social! Don’t wait around for spring, get out there and try to enjoy the winter!

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