The thrill of the hunt, going through racks and racks digging and finding that perfect item to wear to that one costume party. You guessed it. Thrifting.
Thrifting can seriously be so fun but it is a huge hit or miss. Sometimes you’re hitting the jackpot and taking home a gorgeous mint condition vintage leather jacket, where on the other hand sometimes maybe the best find you’ll come across is an old grandma sweater. But hey, grandma sweaters can also be totally cool.
I started thrifting with my friends back in high school. It was kinda competitive. Like who’s going to get the best find of the day or who will score the cool graphic tee. It was always like a race, but still super fun and little did we know what we were doing was actually sustainable too, helping the planet without even knowing.
Now skip forward a couple years, a fun activity me and my friends like to do is go into the thrift and pick out outfits for our night out. Randomly selecting the worst outfits, cheetah print tops with purple corduroy jeans, or graphic tees with a fur coat. Going out in these random matches is the best part of the night. Having people try to decide if it’s serious or not is always hilarious and we get some pretty good reactions out of people too. Sometimes people are really into it other times we are scaring the bar with our over the top outfits, but we find it awesome.
The best feeling is when you need a last minute piece for an outfit and you score it at a thrift. Celebrating St. Patrick’s day and you need a green shirt, I can guarantee you will find a good one at the thrift store. From ugly Christmas sweaters, to shirts for Canada day I promise you the thrift will have you covered for your next themed party.
So what’s my best thrift fine to date? Vintage red leather cowboy boots. I truly hit the jackpot when I came across these bad boys. I couldn’t even believe it and they were $20! I went home and found the same exact brand and shoe online for $400…. Talk about a steal right?
Like Macklemore said one man’s trash is another man’s treasure. Never judge a book by it’s cover cause you are able to find some truly one of a kind pieces that I bet nobody else will be rocking. Happy thrifting!