Dry January Recap

Have you ever gone into something completely blind? Well I did with dry January but  I successfully completed it so here’s everything you need to know. 


Going into it, I wasn’t really sure what I should expect. All over my social media I saw a bunch of posts saying how 31 days alcohol free can be life changing. Better sleep, less inflamed face, brighter skin, better brain function, these were all things I kinda expected to see throughout the month but honestly, I didn’t notice much of these…

To break it down from the beginning, I didn’t find it thattttt hard to not drink, I mean sure sometimes it was harder than others but my main goal was to take it day by day and filling up my days definitely helped. Near the start I was mainly craving the taste of drinks but not really the buzz. But near the end I was definitely ready to throw some back with my friends. During my sober streak, I put myself into a couple social settings where there was drinking and my main tip for that was keep something in your hand – my go to was Diet Coke, I drank a gross amount of Diet Coke over January.


So what did I notice? I think my sleep was better? I mean I’ve never been the best sleeper so maybe I was just making myself believe I was sleeping better. I was really looking forward to notice my face getting less puffy and inflamed cause I saw that a lot over social media but I saw no difference, actually no physical changes whatsoever. Maybe I’d have to get a bit longer to notice those. Who knows.

What I did notice was my days were 10000% more productive and my mood was a lot better. Waking up on a Saturday morning without a headache was a huge game changer for me. Getting up and going without feeling gross was the best part and I did not miss the hangovers at all. My weekends were filled with walking the dog, Diet Coke, and more walks. 

I drank for the first time Sunday night and I woke up with a hangover that honestly made me want to go back to my sober days. I felt disgusting and gross and dirty. I don’t think drinking is worth it anymore and that is a huge statement coming from me. Prior to January I’d never in a million years thought I’d say that at the young age of 21 but here we are. I used to liveeee for drinks on the weekends but dare I say I’m entering my grandma era? Yikes. 

So the million dollar question? Should you do it? Kinda depends. Do you want to be pleasantly surprised with how after you suddenly just don’t care to drink as much? Or do you want to keep the party lifestyle up? I mean in the end you only live once right? 


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