As a dog owner and someone who has grown up around my dogs my whole life, I can spot a fellow dog owner from a mile away. Owning a dog isn’t just a responsibility—it’s a full-blown lifestyle. The hair, the walks, and the food, it’s not just fun and games it’s kinda like having a kid. My golden Goose is my whole life – which to non dog owners might sound weird.
If you’ve ever overheard a conversation between two dog owners, you may have mistaken it for an in-depth discussion about human children. “How old is he?” “Oh, he’s a pandemic puppy—so he’s a little socially awkward.” “Has she been eating okay?” all the usual things you’d ask a new mother, can basically apply to new puppy parents. It sounds insane to outsiders but to insiders it’s just the norm. I mean these dogs are your babies, your whole life, it isn’t just a dog, it’s a member of your family.
One major key in spotting a dog owner is the “welllll I have to get home cause my dog needs me”, I mean sure your dog is probably fine but the people just don’t understand that separation anxiety from your dog is real. It’s a serious connection, and I don’t know about you but my dog definitely gives me the cold shoulder if I’m out for a long period of time.
Being able to spot a dog owner also means I’ve gotten pretty good at spotting dog haters. “Oh, I just don’t want to get any hair on me” immediate red flag, run away as far as you can, people who don’t like dogs cannot be trusted under any circumstance. Like what do you mean you don’t want a best friend that gives the best company??
Despite the chaos, the fur, the vet bills, and the occasional public humiliation when your dog takes off on you at the park and ignores all recall, dog owners wouldn’t trade it for the world. Dog owner life is some serious love and not just a connection between you and your dog but other dog owners as well. It’s like a little club and if you’re a member of the club then I can guarantee you know how special it is.