Looking for an extra way to make some extra quick pocket change but don’t want to have to go around applying anywhere? Well, let me put you on to bottle collecting.
And I know, you may be a little reluctant at first but I bet I can convince you, and if you’re already on the bottle collecting grind then I like your style. So why start bottle collecting, well first of all it’s just free money sitting there that’s tax free. Cmon, tax free money? How rare is that these days! It’s just a simple little task that can really make you some bucks.
Bottle collecting does have a bit of a negative stereotype but let me flip the script for ya. I’m a 21 year old girl who likes to dress up, get my nails done and all that. But then I came to a problem. How can I afford to get my nails done or make those coffee runs to Starbucks when all of my paycheck goes to gas and car insurance? Bottle collecting. It’s 10 cents a bottle/can but man does it add up fast if I calculated my total earnings since summer I’d probably be around $300 and I haven’t even been taking it as seriously the last couple of months!
But the question always arises: how do you go about collecting your bottles. Well I obviously keep all of mine from my house and I always offer to host the pre before a night out so I can collect all those beer cans before a night out but I have some pretty sweet neighbours that put theirs aside for me too. So when garbage day rolls around I get up and bag the cans up before the garbage truck gets to my street and bam, probably around $10 made just from that!
At bottle depots you have the option to count them yourself and receive the change or cash right there or you can sign up with your phone number online, drop your bags off, and your money gets deposited into your account a couple days later, it can’t be more simple!
I’ve got my friends on it too, I mean seriously, it’s money sitting right there that you would’ve just thrown out, so get on it! And yes, I’ve definitely received my fair share of judgment about bottle collecting but hey, the haters are my motivators and it feels pretty good drinking my Starbucks that was technically “free”.