Dry January: Day 31

I made it, well almost made it. It’s officially the last morning of dry January and I feel like I did every other day of this month. But of course the question rises, does it not count as a dry month if I drink tonight? Do I wait till the clock hits February and then it really counts? To be honest I have no major plans for tonight and I kinda expected this day to feel so exciting but I have this feeling of overwhelm right now. I can’t really pinpoint why I feel so overwhelmed. I think part of it is cause I’ve always been such an all or nothing person. So I’m kinda at this point where my brain is thinking hmm if I just did 31 days might as well just never drink again or what was the point of all that?

Cocktail Recipes

I don’t want to say I feel a bit let down cause 31 days is still huge but I didn’t expect to feel this much the same. I really don’t notice any major changes which leads me to think 31 days is not enough for me? Do I have to take on a dry February? Or how about a damp February, just limit my drinking, I think this may have to be the move. I guess I just think after drinking my first drink I’m going to feel really defeated, like I lost at something. Game over, time to restart. 

What I can say from this month it’s definitely changed my attitude towards drinking. A weekend never used to be a true weekend without having drinks with friends but now I’ve realized that it’s really not as necessary as I thought it was which I guess is kinda cool. I do not miss hangovers at all either, even just the thought is horrible. 

So I guess this brings me back to ending this month off, since I don’t have any plans tonight I might as well just not drink so I can really go the full hours of 31 days. I mean I even stopped drinking around 11:00 pm on New Year’s Eve to make it the true 31 so why not stop now right?

I definitely need to do some more reflecting and look back on everything I felt this month but for now, I’m just focussed on getting through today. If you’re also doing dry January, sending you a huge congrats and you’re so so close to February. 


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