Dry January: Day 28

The finish line is in sight. A full 28 days have passed. They say it takes 21 days to break a habit. But I’m here to say that feels pretty far from the truth to me. 


Even though I haven’t had one sip of alcohol, not even a mere drop, for 28 days, I don’t feel like this habit is anywhere close to being broken. So that brings me to my million dollar question. Do I keep going until I truly feel like I’ve broken this habit? And don’t mistake me for a crazy person who can’t get off the bottle, I’m really not like that I swear. It’s just that I’m 21 and I really like to live life to the fullest. I never say no to plans and am the friend that’s always down to do something. It’s more just the FOMO I’ve been feeling. 

And less of the fear of missing out, I like to view it as missed opportunity. There’s this whole culture built up around really just being young and living your 20s and kinda worry I’m missing out on that right now. But then when I think that way it brings me back to wellll at least I’m living a healthier lifestyle, but on the other hand I’m thinking damn, I really am just turning into a grandma at 21. And I know, 28 days in perspective is not a lot of time but I’ve had to turn soooo much down these past few weeks it’s starting to drive me insane. 

At the same time, I want to be able to just be that cool kid who does dry January and just never drinks again but at the end of the day, I just don’t think that’s in the books right now. I’m honestly on the struggle bus right now and not as even much as the cravings, it’s more the being jealous of everyone else my age right now. I’m already kinda missing out the typical college experience by staying home right now and then on top of that I’m the weird dry January kid?

I digress, I’m getting ahead of myself. For these last few days I just really need to put things into perspective for myself – it’s only 28 days. Who cares what you do after, just live your life. 

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