As the weekend comes to a close and Sunday night is getting closer I can’t help but get this feeling of dread. The week can be a lot, and 5 full days of the grind can be overwhelming. If you’re anything like me then I bet once you go to bed on a Sunday night you’re already counting down the days till Friday.
When I was younger there was a little coffee shop near my house that had a sign “don’t count the days, make the days”. I don’t think I’ve ever had something stuck with me so much as this statement.
There’s this huge culture around the whole TGIF thing and just living for the weekend. I’m even guilty of it too, but now and again I think of that message and it really puts things into perspective for me. I’m counting down and wanting to get past 5 days just so I can live for 2? And on the last day of the weekend I’m already feeling anxious for the next week? Kinda sad. And I know a lot of the world feels this way too? So why do we all just collectively carry the TGIF attitude with us?
And I know not everyone is going to loveeee their job and sometimes you just gotta do what you gotta do to put food on your plate and a roof over your head but there has to be some kind of cheat code to living your life to the fullest 7 days a week right? The average human if lucky lives around 27,000 days (wow right) and guess how many days of those are weekends? 3910. So if we’re just living for the weekend we are dreading around 23,000 of those days. 23,000 days where you’re just passing time to the weekend.
I’ve always just waited around for the weekend, passing time throughout the weekdays just to get to Friday. But I realized that I am doing it all wrong, life is about balance, and if I only have 27,000 days to live I’m making the most of every second.
Ya I know it can be hard with the 9-5 grind and finding time to do things but hey, even something as small as an afterwork walk with a coworker, or going out for a quick bite to eat? Maybe even trying out a workout class before work? Just adding something to your day other than the work grind makes a huge difference. Get out there and don’t just count the days, make them count.