Solo Dates Are IN This Year!

When was the last time you treated yourself completely on your terms? Like taking yourself on a date where you don’t have to argue about where you’re going to eat, if you’re going to get that dessert or not, or who’s picking up the bill. I’m going to guess a long time or even never right? Why are solo dates such an avoided thing? 

The fact that yes it can seem a bit awkward to eat alone is totally valid. Sitting alone in a booth, the server wondering if you got stood up, or just the feeling of being a loner is all totally understandable. But at the end of the day, why care about what someone else thinks, let alone, a complete stranger. And if you were seen out alone by someone you know and you think they are judging you, they are probably just insecure with themselves that they don’t have the confidence to go out alone. 

Like anything hard or scary in life, starting a new job, getting a tattoo, or even ending a relationship it’s all about diving into the deep end from the wise words of Taylor Swift “head first fearless” . It’s all about getting over that initial hump, the first solo date. Just like a first date with a random hinge guy, it’s going to be uncomfortable, a little awkward, and just unknown territory, but the major difference? There’s no pressure to worry about ending the night at his place.

The joy of solo dates is that you don’t have to entertain anyone, worry about awkward silences, or cater to someone else’s schedule. It’s just you, doing what you love, and appreciating your own company. It’s good to treat yourself, be selfish! Do what you want on your terms without anyone nagging in your ear. 

Take yourself out for a spa day, book that reso at that fancy Italian restaurant you’ve been dying to try, or go see that movie in theatres. Life is so short, do things for you and don’t wait around for anyone else to make up their minds. 


So eat that dessert, pick where you’re going out to eat, buy yourself those flowers, and pick up your own bill. Cheers to more solo dates in 2025! Make this year about you!

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