Culture Shock

The world is such a cool place. So many different belief systems, geographics, demographics, and overall just ways of living. With all these differences in the world, culture shock is a huge thing. When people are used to their own routines and ways of living and they experience life in other ways then what you’re used to, it can be shocking. And not necessarily all negative shocks, they can also be positive. 

During my gap year and last summer I was super fortunate to be able to travel around and experience many different cultures so let’s talk about the ones that stood out to me the most. 



First of all, I drink a lot of water. Always chugging down bottles and glasses and I bring my water bottle. Last summer my friends and I backpacked around Croatia, Amsterdam, and Germany. Someone could have warned me that water is not free in Europe. Keep in mind we’re also travelling on an extreme budget so buying 3,5 Euro bottles of water was not in my budget. I don’t think I’ve ever been more dehydrated, beer was even cheaper than water!! It took me a while to adjust to this whole water isn’t free thing, when you go to restaurants you pay for the bottle. So this was super shocking to me but I figured it out and bought my own water bottle and filled it up at the hostel before beginning the day.

Going through the Red Light District in Amsterdam was probably our group’s biggest culture shock of the whole trip. On our last night we kinda just decided to walk around aimlessly so you can imagine our surprise when we walked around the corner and stumbled upon the Red Light District. I’ll spare you most of the details, but yea, definitely shocked, and not in the best way. 



One major difference I noticed between Canada and Europe was that Europeans are definitely nicer to Canadians than Americans (which was kinda a given) but I do have to say I feel like Europeans are nicer than Canadians and they’re a lot more socially intelligent than us. I just found Europeans to be super inclusive and open, even more than Canadians are. 

Overall no matter where you go, far or near, East to West, North to South, you’re going to notice cultural differences and experience some culture shock but it’s just all a part of the journey and your adventures! 


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