All this sunny weather we have been getting these past couple of days has really motivated me to get outside and make the most of this sun before Vancouver reverts back to “Raincouver”.
One of the main things Vancouverites are known for is our “outdoorsy” vibe we exhibit, however, I really don’t find this entirely true because most of the time, especially in January, Vancouver is filled with rainy, cloudy days. But this sunny spell we have been blessed with is really inspiring me to get outside and lean into this Vancouver outdoorsy culture we seem to be so well known for.
But sometimes it’s not easy to get outside. I mean it’s still super cold out, not the most exciting and inviting weather to step outside to, but once you’re in the sun, ahhhh, vitamin D is a miracle worker.
So here are some of the tips and ideas that I’ve been following and doing to get outside, get the sun on my face, and take it all in before the rain comes back.
Most importantly, don’t be mistaken, just because it’s sunny does not mean it’s warm, so bundle up! Long socks, sweaters, scarves, puffer jackets, mittens or gloves, are all essential winter pieces I’m sure you have in your closet so pull them out and get outside.
Vancouver is one of the few cities where you can go skiing and to the beach on the same day. So why not do it. I mean you don’t even need to go skiing but how about a hike on a mountain? Or even a trail? Some of my go to spots for a hike or a walk outdoors are Quarry Rock in Deep Cove, Whyte Lake in West Vancouver, or a walk around Lynn Canyon in Lynn Valley. You can get your steps in while getting some sun on your skin – a wellness gurus match made in heaven!
Back to the beach, unless you’re wanting to lean into the practice of cold dips and plunges, let’s steer clear of the water and take it all in from a distance. A walk on either the Stanley Park or West Van Seawall does the trick for me, you get the ocean beach vibes, immaculate. Bringing some snacks to the beach really does it for me as well. Taking a walk around Horseshoe Bay has been something I’ve been loving recently, grabbing a coffee and watching the ferries set sail is an ideal way to spend the day to me.
Before you know it, the rain will come back and you might get cabin fever from being stuck indoors so get out while you can and get a quick taste of Summer.