It’s only a month until Christmas rolls around. And what does that mean? It’s time to bring out that Christmas playlist of yours. But, maybe this year it’s time to spice it up. Here’s some picks from Evolution 107.9 that’ll bring some BC to your holiday tunes.
The idealized Christmas is truly something special, huh? You sit at the fire, family surrounding you, no worries in the world. Everyone comes together, puts aside feuds, and enjoys each other’s company. Isn’t that special? Don’t you wish that could last forever? Well, so does BC songwriter Willolux, with her single Christmas All the Time.
Christmas all the time embodies that feeling of perfection around Christmas, where everyone puts aside their worries and troubles just for the holiday season. But Willolux makes the wish that the season would last all year round, removing the toils and troubles between people forever. The song carries the joyous bells and sounds of a happy Christmas, while deeply embodying the sadness and melancholy that comes with broken relationships. It all ties together quite nicely, and the end result is a song that hides its hurt right underneath the surface.
Willolux, or Kristina Emmott, is an Indie-Folk musician from right here in Vancouver. She loved rock as a teenager, and started songwriting in her spare time. She made her debut in 2017, with her album Thread and Tape.
“I made “Thread & Tape” in a cottage-style studio on a small farm on the outskirts of town – chickens, bunnies, and towering trees lining the snowy landscape.” Willolux explains. “It was an incredibly poignant and intimate experience – I truly never expected the album to be listened to by anyone other than maybe my cat and a few close friends. I am eternally grateful if it resonates with anyone, and that it is reaching a few new ears, but I would still be making music every day regardless.”
That love of making music is prevalent in all of her work, and her whimsical, heartfelt sounds weave throughout her discography. Christmas All the Time is a worthy addition to any Christmas playlist, and the rest of her music is even higher above. If you were to check out any of her other songs, my favorite is Chalice, one of her singles from 2022.
That’s the BC Christmas Pick of today. There’ll be more coming throughout the week, so keep your playlist open, and ready to pack in more BC bred tunes.
Wow! Kristina Emmott, “willolux” here – I can’t believe you wrote a page dedicating it to my Christmas song! I am blown away by your coverage and I truly appreciate the words.