Our Favorite Childhood YouTubers are Getting Old

Many of our favourite YouTubers growing up who once defined the platform for an entire generation are now entering new chapters of their lives, transitioning away from that constant content creation that made them famous in the first place. I mean, remember when we were kids, sitting down after school, snacks in our hand, firing up YouTube and getting ready to laugh at the newest video from DanTDM, PewDiePie, Jacksepticeye, and Markiplier? These were the YouTubers who shaped our childhood, the ones we felt like we grew up alongside. But have you noticed how things have changed recently? I mean, they’re still around in one way or another, but it’s not the same. They’re all getting older. Some of them are parents now. Their priorities have changed. Some are even drifting away from YouTube altogether. It’s kind of wild to think about.


Take DanTDM, for example. Dan was the Minecraft guy for so many of us. He was always so upbeat, and I remember when he’d release those Minecraft mods or adventure maps, he made it feel like his minecraft world was real. But now? He’s a father of two. He’s still making content, sure, but it’s different. You can see that he’s not just the guy who sits in front of his computer playing games all day anymore. Now he talks about balancing fatherhood with content creation, and he’s even mentioned how difficult it can be to manage both. It’s clear that his sons are his biggest priority, and I get it, but man. It feels like we’ve lost that carefree, energetic Dan from back in the day.


And then there’s PewDiePie. Man, what a journey that guy has had, right? From being one of the most controversial creators to basically retiring from the YouTube grind. Remember when he was making daily Let’s Plays? He was all over the internet, there was a point where you couldn’t escape PewDiePie if you were on YouTube. But these days, he’s been taking a step back. It all started back in 2019, when he and his now wife, Marzia, got married.

That’s when long-time viewers, like myself, realised that this isn’t the same PewDiePie from back in 2014. He and his wife, Marzia, had a baby just over a year ago, and that’s really where his heart is now. He even moved to Japan, which was a dream of him and Marzia for years. I don’t blame him for wanting to enjoy his life after everything he’s been through, but it’s strange. This guy who once felt like the centre of YouTube culture is now living a quiet life, focusing on family while doing YouTube on the side. It’s like watching a big chapter close.


Jacksepticeye is another one. Sean was the high-energy, “top of the mornin’” guy who would get us pumped just by shouting into the camera at. His enthusiasm was contagious, and it felt like he’d never burn out. But over time, he’s opened up about the mental health struggles that come with being a creator, especially with the pressure of constantly putting out content.

And now, with his career evolving, he’s also been spending more time away from YouTube. He’s focused on bigger projects, like working on his charity events and even dabbling in acting. I’m pretty sure he’s thinking long-term now, probably thinking about life outside of the platform. It’s like we’re seeing him going into a different part of life, one where he’s not just the guy screaming at games anymore, but someone who’s reflecting on what’s next.


Markiplier, though, he’s an interesting case. Mark is still very active, but even he’s been changing. I feel like Mark’s always had this deeper side to him. Remember when he’d do serious talks in between horror game videos? That’s becoming more and more of his focus. He’s been branching out, doing big projects like “In Space with Markiplier” and even working on his movie “Iron Lung”, and while he’s still uploading gaming videos from time to time, it feels like he’s preparing for something beyond YouTube. He’s talked about how he doesn’t want to do Let’s Plays forever, and you can feel that shift in his content. He’s another one who’s not just a YouTuber anymore, he’s a filmmaker, an entrepreneur. And you know what? That’s awesome for him. But it’s another reminder that these guys are changing, and the days of constant gaming uploads are slowly going away.


It’s funny, though, because when you think about it, this change was inevitable. I mean, we’ve grown up, right? So, it makes sense that the creators we grew up with are growing up, too. They’re having kids, they’re getting married, they’re moving on to other interests. But it’s still kind of nice to see, you know? Like, these were the people who were always there, uploading every day, making us laugh when we needed it the most. And now? Now, they’re parents, they’re stepping back, they’re moving forward in ways we didn’t see coming when we were younger.


It’s not just the big names either—other creators we loved back in the day are going through the same thing. Think about creators like CaptainSparklez or even CoryxKenshin. We used to watch them constantly, and now they’ve either slowed down or moved on. Some of them even left YouTube altogether. It’s a reminder that YouTube is still this ever-changing platform, but the people who built it, who made it what it is for us, are changing too. It kind of feels like a turning point for YouTube as a whole, doesn’t it?


And sure, there are new creators who’ve popped up and taken their place. There are fresh faces making Minecraft videos, reaction videos, Let’s Plays, but it’s not quite the same, is it? These creators are great in their own right, but they don’t have that same connection with us because we didn’t grow up with them. We didn’t watch them grind through the early days of YouTube, we didn’t see them evolve from being just someone with a camera and a game to becoming icons of internet culture. With the older generation of YouTubers stepping back or changing, it kind of feels like we’re losing a piece of what made YouTube special for us in the first place.


But at the same time, I guess it’s exciting in a way. It means we get to see these creators take on new roles, new challenges, and that’s something we should celebrate. DanTDM as a dad, PewDiePie as a family man in Japan, Jacksepticeye hosting charity streams, and Markiplier making films—it’s all part of their growth, and in a way, it mirrors our own. We’re growing up too, after all. Maybe the content is changing, and maybe they’re not as present as they once were, but they’ll always be a part of our childhoods, and that’s something that won’t ever fade.

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