Is everything really okay?

Let’s just take a break from the sports and the other good stuff and let’s be real for a second… Doesn’t it sometimes feel like life expects us to be at 1000% all the time?

Like, from the moment we wake up to the second we go to sleep at night, it’s just non-stop pressure. And let me tell you, that kind of pressure can really mess with your head. For me, it led to a lot of anxiety, which I never asked for, but somehow ended up dealing with anyway.

At first, I tried to shrug it off, thinking that if I was “strong” enough, I could just power through it. Spoiler alert: that didn’t work. If you’ve ever found yourself feeling like you’re the only one going through this… Guess what? You’re definitely not alone!

Anxiety is more common than you think. It actually affects about 1 in every 14 people around the world. But here’s the kicker: most of them suffer in silence because they’re too afraid or embarrassed to ask for help.


Anxiety isn’t just that jittery feeling you get before a big event. Oh no, for me, it was this constant, nagging presence that made even the simplest tasks feel like climbing Mount Everest. I’d feel totally stuck, overwhelmed by fear and self-doubt, and honestly, it made me super angry at myself.

But hey, I’m not here just to talk about the rough stuff. The good news is, I found ways to deal with it. One of the biggest game-changers for me was therapy. Having someone to talk to who actually gets it and can help you navigate your thoughts? Total lifesaver. And trust me, I used to be one of those people who thought therapy wasn’t for me. Now? I’d recommend it to anyone—even the dog I don’t have yet, haha.

On top of that, I also found CrossFit to be my escape. I know it sounds random, right? But seriously, being able to channel all that built-up tension into something physical really helped me reset.

Here’s the thing though: mental health is a super personal journey. What worked for me might not work for you, and that’s okay! The point is to start somewhere. Whether it’s therapy, talking to a friend, or finding your own way to manage stress—just don’t let it take over your life. You’re not in this alone.

Oh, and if you’re curious, I stumbled across this mental health expert named Olivia Remes from Cambridge University while I was deep-diving into anxiety. She’s awesome and really drives home the fact that anxiety isn’t something that just goes away. It takes work, attention, and sometimes, a little help from others.

But honestly? The bravest thing you can do is take that first step.

Big read, right? I know. But if stayed with me until here… Do something. Don’t let anxiety keep you stuck. And remember, asking for help isn’t a weakness… It’s straight-up bravery.

Now, I gotta ask… How are you doing so far? Seriously, drop me a comment, I’d love to chat. 😊


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