Subway Needs a Middle Ground Sub

We all love Subway right? I mean who doesn’t. Whenever I’m feeling a bit hungry for something and I’m too lazy to cook anything, my brain immediately goes to Subway. Subway has some of the best sandwiches out there and man it really does fill my stomach right up.


But, sometimes it can fill my stomach up a little too much. Like the other day my stomach felt like it was a shriveled up grape, it was that empty. I asked my friend, who was also feeling a bit hungry, if he wanted to go get some Subway with me. He agreed with my Subway idea and we ran straight to the subway just up the street.

I ordered what I usually got, a footlong canuck classic on Italian herbs and cheese bread with 2 M&M cookies and a bottle of iced tea. I absolutely annihilated that meal in probably less than 10 minutes. Immediately after, I felt I was about to spontaneously combust, I was that full.

This got me thinking, A 6 inch sub isn’t enough for me but a footlong sub is way too much and it makes me feel sick? Don’t you agree? I also thought, what if Subway had a middle ground sized sub. Like for example, an 8 or 9 inch sub. Imagine the possibilities with those sized subs.

When I told a few of my friends this idea, it was somewhat 50/50. Some of my buddies said it was the most genius idea they’ve ever heard and a few of them said, I shouldn’t pitch this idea to Subway. Now I know you’re only adding and getting rid of inches on the 2 sub sizes up on the menu.

If Subway has those sized subs, it would just add more to the already stacked lineup of combo deals. Subway could introduce combo deals specifically for the medium-sized sub. A combo deal that pops right into my head, is a medium meal. Imagine a meal that has medium sub, a medium-sized drink, and like I don’t know a medium-sized cookie.

That medium sized cookie is honestly very possible because you know Subway and their crazy snack options. Earlier this year they made the footlong cookie so it’s very possible we could see a medium-sized cookie in the near future.

Overall, i think Subway should take notes from me because a medium-sized sub would probably benefit people who share the same ideology that a 6 inch sub isn’t enough and a footlong sub is too much.

One thought on “Subway Needs a Middle Ground Sub

  1. Quiznos has medium sized subs.
    Maybe time to “sub”stitute (see what I did there 🙂 ) Subway? Just sayin.

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