Discovering Romania: A Journey Through Its Natural Beauty and Rich Culture

“I think that ‘Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance’ was mentally taxing, if only because I had to go to a Christmas party shortly after I had wrapped photography in Romania at two in the morning as the Ghost Rider. The invitation had a Christmas ornament on it with Ghost Rider’s face on it as a tree.”

Nicolas Cage


Hey there! Let’s talk about Romania, this amazing country in Eastern Europe that’s just waiting to be explored. Romania has so much to offer, from its breathtaking landscapes to its rich history and vibrant culture. Ready for a journey through this beautiful land? Let’s dive in!

The Magnificent Carpathian Mountains

Picture this: rugged peaks, lush valleys, and endless adventures. That’s what you’ll find in the Carpathian Mountains, one of Romania’s most stunning features. In the summer, the mountains are alive with vibrant colors, perfect for hiking and exploring. You’ll discover hidden waterfalls, crystal-clear lakes, and some of the most awe-inspiring views you’ve ever seen.

And when winter arrives, the Carpathians transform into a snowy paradise. Skiers and snowboarders flock here to hit the slopes and enjoy the winter wonderland. With ski resorts for all levels, it’s the ultimate playground for snow lovers!

Discovering Transylvania’s History

Now, let’s head into Transylvania, the historic region nestled within the Carpathians. It’s famous for its medieval castles, like Bran Castle, which some people associate with Dracula. But Transylvania is more than just castles. Imagine wandering through charming towns like Sighișoara, with its cobblestone streets and colorful houses straight out of a storybook.

And don’t miss the villages of Maramureș, where time seems to stand still. You’ll see wooden churches, attend local festivals, and maybe even learn a traditional craft or two!

The Danube Delta: Nature’s Masterpiece

“My idea of heaven is a place where the Tyne meets the Delta, where folk music meets the blues.”

Mark Knopfler

From mountains to wetlands, Romania has it all. The Danube Delta is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and it’s easy to see why. Picture winding waterways, lush marshlands, and wildlife everywhere you look. Taking a boat ride through the delta is an experience you won’t forget, especially if you’re a birdwatcher. There are over 300 species of birds here, making it a birdwatcher’s paradise!

Exploring Romanian Cities

Okay, let’s switch gears and talk about Romania’s cities. Bucharest, the capital, is a bustling metropolis with a mix of old and new. You can visit the massive Palace of the Parliament, stroll through beautiful parks, and soak up the city’s energy.

But Bucharest is just the beginning. Cities like Cluj-Napoca and Timișoara have their own charm, with lively atmospheres and beautiful architecture.

Indulging in Romanian Cuisine and Culture

You know what’s really cool about Romanian culture? It’s those awesome folk traditions that have been around forever. They’ve stuck around because Romania has these tight-knit rural communities that have kept these traditions alive and kicking.

And get this: some of these traditions go way back, even before the Romans showed up! I’m talking about stuff like wood carving, ceramics, weaving, and embroidery. They’ve got these vibrant, colorful costumes, decorations for their homes, and dances that have been passed down through generations.

But the best part? The music. Romanian folk music is like nothing else. It’s so diverse and rich, with all these different styles and rhythms. It’s like a whole world of music in one country!

Now, let’s talk about food because Romanian cuisine is amazing!

Romanian cuisine is like a melting pot of flavors from different cultures, but it still has its own unique twist. It’s been influenced by Turkish, Balkan, Hungarian, and Central European cuisines, creating this delicious blend that’s all its own.

What’s really cool is how Romanian dishes change with the seasons and holidays. Since Romania has strong ties to the Eastern Orthodox Church, you’ll find all sorts of special dishes for different times of the year.

Think of a big pot of soup called ciorbă, which comes in all kinds of varieties. There’s meat and veggie soup, tripe soup (ciorbă de burtă), fish soup, all with this tangy, sour flavor that’s just delicious. They use things like lemon juice, sauerkraut juice, vinegar, or this traditional ingredient called borș to give it that sour kick.

And let’s not forget about țuică, which is like the national drink of Romania. It’s this super strong plum brandy that packs a punch!


Where do I come from?

The historic province of Dobruja. More exactly the ancient city of Tomis ( now Constanta).

So, you know how names can have interesting origins? Well, Dobruja, that region we’ve been talking about, might have a pretty cool backstory. Most scholars think it comes from the Turkish version of the name of a 14th-century Bulgarian ruler, despot Dobrotitsa. See, back then, the Turks often named places after early rulers. Like, nearby Moldavia was called Bogdan Iflak after Bogdan I. There are other ideas about where the name comes from, but this one seems to be the most popular.

As for the city I come from, things get even cooler.

So, here’s a fascinating story about the origins of the city of Constanța. According to Jordanes, who wrote about it after Cassiodorus, the city was supposedly founded by Queen Tomyris of the Massagetae. She was a pretty powerful queen, known for defeating Cyrus the Great. After her victory, she decided to build a city on the Moesian shore of the Black Sea, which she named Tomis after herself.

Later on, in 29 BC, the Romans took over the region from the Odrysian kingdom and called it Limes Scythicus, extending as far as the Danube.

Then, in AD 8, the famous Roman poet Ovid got sent there by Emperor Augustus. He wasn’t too happy about it and wrote about his miserable exile in poems like Tristia and Epistulae ex Ponto. He described Tomis as this remote, war-torn place at the edge of the empire.

Interestingly, a bunch of inscriptions found in and around Constanța prove that it’s built on the site of ancient Tomis. Some of these findings are even displayed in the British Museum in London. Cool, huh?

Here is a short story I made showcasing the lessons learned while growing up on my grandparents farm in Romania. This ancient tradition called ” The 7  Years from Home ” is something my family still abides by.



Romania is like a hidden gem waiting to be discovered. With its stunning landscapes, fascinating history, and welcoming people, it’s a place that will stay with you long after you’ve left. From the majestic Carpathian Mountains to the charming villages of Transylvania, there’s so much to explore.

Imagine hiking through lush forests, breathing in the fresh mountain air, and soaking in breathtaking views of rolling hills and valleys. Or wandering through medieval towns, where cobblestone streets lead to ancient castles and fortified churches. And let’s not forget about the Danube Delta, a haven for nature lovers with its winding waterways and diverse wildlife.

But Romania isn’t just about its natural beauty. Its rich history is woven into every corner, from the ancient ruins of Sarmizegetusa Regia to the grand architecture of Bucharest. And the people here are some of the warmest you’ll ever meet, eager to share their traditions and stories with visitors.

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