Rising from adversity, ready to conquer the music world!

You may not have heard of her, but let me now introduce you to a true musical talent – TJ NoTE!

Who is tj NoTE, you may be wondering? Well, she is a songwriter and performer with over 20 years of experience! This super talent has written over 100 original songs, but did you know? She’s just now starting to produce and release her first commercial studio record! Doesn’t that feel a little exciting?

But, tj’s musical journey hasn’t been a smooth one. Just when she decided to pursue her music career, a series of unfortunate events happened one after another: before finishing her first album, she was surprisingly hit by a car, resulting in soft tissue and moderate brain damage! That’s quite a bumpy ride.

But the bumps in the road didn’t discourage TJ! After many surgeries and treatments, she began working in film and developed close relationships with many people in the film and music industry. What a love it is that keeps tj singing with renewed confidence!

The friends she made encouraged her to reconnect with music. You have to realize that friends can sometimes be the medicine that pulls you up when you’re about to fall, or shine a light when you’re about to lose your way.

Since 2019, TJ has been the MVP winner of Hunkerdown’s seventh annual Battle of the Bands! This is nothing short of a congratulatory achievement. Two of her original songs have also been featured in independent films and have found her songs regularly reaching #1 in their genre and city on ReverbNation.com! That kind of courage to fall down and get back up is truly admirable.

Imagine, after all these years of working quietly, she’s finally going to show the world her musical talent.In early 2021, she released her first studio single, “PAiN,” followed by “LOVE” in the summer of the same year! Now, she’s even planning to release more singles before she releases her debut studio album, NOW, in 2022! Can you feel her musical passion and determination? I can’t wait for her new album too, when will it be RELEASED?

So, are you ready for tj NoTE’s music? What kind of musical experience will she bring to you? Do you believe she will be the next superstar of the music industry?

Come leave a comment and tell us what you expect from tj NoTE!

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