Unveiling the Glitz and Nostalgia of Indie-Pop with “Mirror on the Ceiling”

A dynamic four-piece indie-pop band on the Canadian music scene is FKB, a Nashville-based band influenced by the mystery, glitz, and excess of the 1960s and ’80s entertainment industry.

Formed in Bonnyville, Alberta, FKB is fronted by esteemed songwriter Drew Shalka and also includes lead guitarist Travis Topylki, drummer Derek Chalut and rhythm guitarist Alex Fedorouk ( Alex Fedorouk).

“Step into the Story: FKB’s Journey from Stage to Studio with ‘Mirror on the Ceiling’!”

Imagine this: You’re transported back to the innocent days of youth, where every moment feels eternal and every dream is within reach. That’s the essence of FKB’s latest single, “Mirror on the Ceiling” (2024), a nostalgic and reflective track that captures the yearning to hold onto those fleeting moments forever.

As Drew Sharka, FKB’s esteemed songwriter, puts it, “Mirror on the Ceiling is about innocent youth and the idea of wanting to live in those moments forever.” But this track isn’t just about reminiscing—it’s about connecting with listeners on a deeply personal level. As you listen, you’ll find yourself drawn into a world of longing and reflection, where the music serves as a soundtrack to your own memories.

And the story behind the song is just as captivating as the music itself. FKB’s journey to “Mirror on the Ceiling” began after a victory at the Jim Beam National Auditions in 2023. Sharka recalls the whirlwind of events: “We played a show at 9 p.m., didn’t know we won until 11 p.m., and then had to rush to another show at 1 a.m.” But amidst the chaos, fate intervened, and FKB found themselves collaborating with renowned producer Shaun Frank and David Mohacsi. Over the course of two days, they poured their hearts and souls into crafting the song from start to finish—a process that was both exhilarating and exhausting.

But FKB’s dedication doesn’t stop there. In between writing sessions, they took the stage at the Toronto Indies Awards and the Canadian Music Week conference, sharing their music with audiences across North America. Since 2017, they’ve performed over 300 shows, forging connections with fans one performance at a time.

So, are you ready to step into the story with FKB?

Let their music take you on a journey of nostalgia, reflection, and endless possibility. After all, with FKB, every song is an invitation to connect, to reminisce, and to dream.

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